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    German Based Technologies

    Tired of trying various fat-reduction processed, but in vain? Then, you must not have tried our specialized and highly professional fat-reduction treatment that makes use of the German-based technologies to achieve the desired results. Our weight reduction program using the German-based technologies is a groundbreaking supervised treatment that is here to change your life for good. Our testimonials and positive customer reviews reflect the success of our professional weight loss program with the help of German-based technologies.  

    German Based Weight Loss Program

    Several weight loss programs claim the desired results, but fail to do so. As a result, you are bound to keep searching for and trying out newer methods of reducing excessive weight in an effective manner.However, when you reach out to us for German-based weight loss program, we serve as a one-stop platform for putting an end to all your woes. Our health professionals and highly skilled team of fitness experts have done their ample research in the German-based technologies for weight loss. Thus, they combine their years of experience with the latest and the most advanced technology to generate the best results for you. Our German-based weight loss therapy is an effective plan that not only helps in reducing the abnormal fat deposits in your body, but also helps in the resetting of the endocrine system and the brain that revamps your eating regime. In addition to effective weight loss, our specialized program aims at the following:

    Benefits of Weight Loss Regime Through German-Based Technology

    Pre-Treatment Assessment: For determining the feasibility of the weight loss program, the patients have to undergo the pre-treatment assessment. Details like medical history examination, proper physical examination, necessary blood tests, determining the ULCT (Upper Limit of Carbohydrate Tolerance),BMI, proper target weight, along with body fat record are done in this pre-treatment assessment. This session is conducted by our specialized team of health experts and medical consultants. The entire treatment of effective weight loss with the use of advanced German-based technologies involves a series of steps to be carried out in different sessions. The sessions might include the following procedures:
    • Treating the hormonal imbalances
    • Special diet treatment
    • Treating the micronutrient imbalances
    • Treating the autonomic nervous system imbalance
    • Treating the acid-base imbalance
    • Liver detoxification
    • Detoxification of the entire body
    • Orthomolecular supplements
    • Customized low-carbohydrate diet that would depend on the patient’s ULCT (upper limit of carbohydrate tolerance) count
    One can expect a substantial weight loss with the help of this detailed regime with the use of the German-based technology.

    Avail Our Specialized German-based Weight Loss Program

    • No starvation feeling, easy to follow weight loss diet
    • Moderate exercise needed during the process
    • Highly effective with instant results
    • Non-surgical method
    • No possible side effects
    • No stretch marks on skin
    • Improvement of the overall health conditions

    Avail our top-notch weight loss treatment with the help of the most advanced range of German-based technologies.

    Why Neo Fatbury?

    20 Years of Expertise

    Lakhs of Satisfied Clients

    Latest Technology & Equipment

    Certified Dermatologists & Dieticians

    No Side Effects

    Customized Solutions
